Air Date: September 16, 2019
For a detailed strategy check out my guide on gamefaqs( ). After your fight with Camilla and the ultimate chimera, there is an optional boss fight with Roy Mustang and Major Armstrong in front of the alchemy works. While you can throw the fight and get the same ending, they do have some unique items up for grabs if you can defeat them. You will get a sun medal accessory for winning the fight but you can only walk away with the accessory drop from the enemy that you defeating first in the battle because the fight ends immediately after you land the finishing blow on the second fighter. This means you will have to engage this duo twice in order to pilfer all the available items.
In the video I show you the method I go about the glass samurai accessory from Mustang, which is the more difficult to obtain item in my opinion. Mustang is hard to hit and will easily fall down when struck with a cannon ball limiting consecutive damage opportunities. Armstrong, on the other hand, will stand there and soak up damage from consecutive hits. This is why, despite having more hit points, he is more likely to fall first than Mustang during the fight. Given this, we will not be using the transmutable tanks during this boss fight and will rely on the long range of the boomerang.
This fight involves a small amount of homework that start from the fights beforehand. In the first fight in the castle keep against the three chimeras, you will need to transmute a boomerang from the spear object in the arena and grab ahold of that before you finish off the last of the three chimeras. This will allow you to carry the weapon to the next fight with Camilla and the ultimate chimera. Feel free to drop the boomerang in this battle in order to fight the pair of bosses. Just remember to pick the boomerang back up before you gather all of the feathers following the fight in order to carry it into the Mustang and Armstrong fight. During the time that you have the boomerang, refrain from transmuting it into the chakram because they hit for less or apply any elemental attributes to it.
Some other preparations to make the fight easier would be to have at least one attack capsule, one defense capsule, the double-edged armor, the double-edged bangle, and as many restorative items and metal reloaders as possible. Having a high-level character will also help along with any of the tall boots, moon medal, or sun medal accessories (if doing this battle for a second time).
As you enter the battle, immediately dodge to the right to avoid the opening attacks from the duo because they place you right in front of them. At this point, you will want to maximize Edwards attack power by equipping the double-edged bangle and using an attack capsule. Alphonse will serve as another target during the fight so he gets the defense capsule and the double-edged armor. You will note that we are not using the magic capsules for this fight. This is because magic capsules will increase everything by 10% and the more specific capsules will increase the targeted statistic by 20%.
During the fight, you will want to keep both party members alive and immediately go resurrect Alphonse if he happens to fall during the fight. You might have to lure the bosses away from him to do so. Try to keep your distance by alternating between both sides of the battle area and use the L2 button to toggle your map to the close up version. This way you can see where your two attackers are by the white radar dots. When possible and from a distance throw a boomerang at mustang, trying to not deal too much damage to Armstrong in the process. With your high attack statistic, you will be able to chip off around 50 to 60 points per hit and, at times, hit Mustang twice in a row with the rebound. It will take some time to whittle down his hit points but keep at it, getting a hit in whenever possible.
You will not be able to see how many hit points remain on your foes directly but you will be able to tell as they change up their attacks. Roy starts with simple fireballs, goes to flaming area explosions, then fireballs that float around the battlefield homing on your character and linear multiple flame bursts, and ending with his huge flaming meteor attack with a light ray as he gets low on health. Using this increasingly aggressive progression, you can have a picture of how far along he is to being defeated.
After Mustang falls, grab the glass samurai accessory immediately and then turn your attention to using the tanks to chip away at Armstrong’s health to end the fight. You can re-augment Edward for alchemy by switching out the bangle for the double-edged earrings and use an alchemy capsule to increase the damage from the tank.