Matthew Visyak's Domain

Fullmetal Alchemist – The Broken Angel – Final Battles of NGP High Level Unique Accessory Run

Air Date: August 11, 2019

This is the second of a three video series where I go about collecting all of the accessories in the game. There might be a fourth video at some point if I manage to do a completionist run by getting the maximum of each item. The accessories can be obtained only once though. Most of the big boss battles will reward you with one of two possible one-time accessories depending on your current level. This means that you would need to go through the game at least twice to obtain all of the possible accessories. In this play through, I decided to gather all of the high-level items along with the new game plus movie and graphic items obtained through the course of the game. I also walk away with a sun medal and glass samurai accessory from defeating Mustang and Armstrong in the optional battle too.

I start out at the save spot located at the top of the Hiessgart castle hub, tower of alchemists, with Edward at level 99 and Alphonse trailing at 89. From this final save spot, I hop onto the stationary platform traveling to the Castle Keep for the final boss battles.

I begin the battles with the three chimeras by allocating some of the spare bonus points to Edwards attack power to help move the battles along and prepare for the bonus battle down the road. I use an attack capsule on Edward to further boost his power and give Alphonse a defense capsule. Now I go after the water or the flying chimera, depending on which one gets into my way the most. I hop on the transmuted cannon and wait until either get within close range before shooting them with the cannon ball. Once struck they will be stunned temporarily allowing Edward to deal several blows with his regular attacks. With the enhanced attack power, Edward was able to take down the water chimera in one volley dealing damage in the 290 ballpark. The flying chimera fell in a similar manner; although the combat chimera’s aerial bombardments got in the way a couple of times. Once I was down to the last chimera, I took the time to transmute and equip a boomerang as preparation for the Armstrong and mustang fight before ending the battle. With such high stats, I was able to transmute a crossbow to finish off the combat chimera, instead of using bombs. The additional combos allowed for a rank A finish and a brawling guide parting gift.

The next battle will be with the ultimate chimera and Camilla. Since both characters benefited from their high levels I decided to mirror the capsule boost assignment from the previous battle. The main goal is to take down Camilla to end the battle but the ultimate chimera will often get in the way. If the chimera gets in your way too often, you can get some temporary relief by killing it but Camilla will revive it in time. In this run, we are just concerned ending the fight and surviving. Since it is slow, I immediately drop the boomerang in favor of the hand blade. We will be picking the boomerang back up later after the battle to carry it forward. We need to locate and transmute the crossbow and get Alphonse to operate it. With Alphonse’s statistics, he will do most of the work in this fight with the crossbow, leaving Edward the task of keeping the ultimate chimera out of the way. It only took two rounds of Alphonse on the crossbow to end this battle, netting a rank B victory and the moon metal accessory.

Once the story events place you back into the ultimate chimera room to collect feathers, I take a moment to show off my current items, highlighting the complete collection of 56 Graphics and 17 movies obtained from the new game plus play through. Next, I show the collection of all high and low level accessories obtained from the two runs including the normal accessories nabbed from the initial run. At this point, I have not obtained the rare grindstone drop from the ultimate chimera, or any of the Armstrong and mustang battle spoils. These will be obtained through the combination of this run and the next playthrough. I pick the boomerang weapon back up and then collect the feathers to move the storyline forward.

In this run, I decide to fight and defeat Armstrong and Mustang with the focus being on obtaining the glass samurai. Rather than discussing strategy I will point interested viewers to the description found on my other videos where I fight the duo with the sole purpose of getting the glass samurai or the demon fist accessory first. I finish this battle with an A rank after a little under 24 minutes of battle to get the sun medal. I allow the ending to play through along with the epilogue. After all is said and done, I save my clear file in order to start the third play through, where I will get the remaining outstanding demon fist and grindstone accessories.